martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Discussion: In what departments/classes are a range of cultures represented? What cultures are represented?

From my personal experience, talking about the EAFIT organization, I have seen different cultures represented in clasess and groups:

  • Starting that our teacher of this course is from China (Sin Kit I).
  • There are always exchange students from different regions of Colombia and different countries.
  • Teachers from the university have had different cultures experiences that help us students to learn more about each one.
Nevertheless, I found that the majority of the students are from Medellin or the cities arrond like Pereira, Manizales and Armenia. Then a small group are from the coast cities like Cartagena, Barranquilla and Santa Marta and that is not a bad thing but it would be better if at the University we could have more cultural exchange in order to be more open minded and learn.

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